Carles Chiner and Antoni Sendra
Dacsa Produccions, Medusa Producciones
Running time
88 min.
January 13, 2009
Horaci is a young documentary filmmaker who makes a living cleaning the streets of the city of Valencia with a mechanical street sweeper. After two years immersed in a documentary about the poet Vicent Andrés Estellés, Horaci begins to move away from the most immediate reality. In contrast to the legacy of Estellés, a hard race will test his physical and mental endurance.
With the participation of Radio Televisió Valenciana
and the collaboration of Institut Valencià de Cultura
Horaci Manuel Valls
Dora Marta Chiner
Gabi Xavo Giménez
Blau Ximo Vidal
Román Juan Mandli
Gonzalo Sergio Caballero
Worker SAV 1 Ximo Solano
Worker SAV 2 Josep Maria Casany
Worker SAV 3 Amparo Oltra
Producer 1 Carles Sanjaime
Producer 2 Manolo Gil
Producer 3 Daniel Machancoses
The interviewees
Joan F. Mira Antropólogo y escritor
Didín Puig Periodista Montaner P
Jaume Pérez Profesor Univesitat de València
Dominic Keown Profesor Universidad de Cambridge
Paco Muñoz Músico y cantante
Director and script writer Antoni Sendra i Carles Chiner
Producers Ana Belén Górriz, Xavier Crespo y Juan Carlos Claver
Executive producers Xavier Crespo y Álex Crespo
Line director Xavier Crespo
Production manager Xavier Machancoses
Storyboard Luis Llácer
Cinematographer Marc Gurillo
Sound Francesc Enguix
Artistic direction Víctor Lara
Costume Nuria Varella
Hairdresser Amparo Carrió
Make-up María González
Editing Carles Candela
Cartelera Túria, julio de 2009
24 Festival De cinema Jove de Valencia – Jornadas Memorables
Por Antonio Llorens
…In addition, within the Special Screenings section, where the Valencian Before I Die, Think of Me, by Raúl Hernández Garrido, premiered this week, we were able to discover one of the best Valencian productions of all time, a debut feature packed with of intelligence, sensitivity, commitment and good performances, especially by the veteran Ximo Vidal: this is Cos Mortal, by Carles Chiner and Antoni Sendra, who observes the physical and cultural landscape (surrounding the Andrés Estellés universe) with an attentive, amusing gaze, and tremendously suggestive.
Revista El Siglo, julio 2009
Radicales en Valencia
Por Manuel Espín
…In addition, out of competition, a truly singular and innovative preview: Cos mortal, by Charles Chiner and Antoni Sendra, which mixes the vision of a young documentary filmmaker who works as a street cleaner in Valencia and his tribute to the poet Vicent Andres Estelles. A formally very risky proposal shot in Valencian, and with a great mastery of technique and editing in what may constitute one of the most innovative works of recent Spanish cinema, with elegant but impressive calligraphy, this 'commercially daring' film has to find 'your audience', so as not to go unnoticed between run-of-the-mill premieres.
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